His musical path started with learning how to play the keyboard. Being his fundament, the different sound options of the keyboard have been essential for MIQLAs style till present days. Improvisation and different timbres and styles where one of the most important aspects of his early lessons. He then discovered the possibilities of the acoustic piano by playing classical music and investigating contemporary acoustic styles such as Jazz- and Pop-Piano.
During his study at ArtEZ Conservatory in Arnhem MIQLA was heavily influenced by the free music scene and improvised music as well as pattern-based, scandinavian Jazz-Trios, european classical music and other traditional music styles. There he developed a unique style of inside-piano playing, prepared piano, and electronic and synthesizer based improvisations.
Among others, he had lessons with Jeroen van Vliet, Etienne Nillesen and Reinhard Siegert.

In his projects “Haare Schneiden”, “qpiavis” and his solo works he is still exploring preparations, electronic improvisations and new sounds and techniques.
Next to various releases with the mentioned trios MIQLA released his solo work “Cosmic Buzzing” in april 2024.
He is currently giving private lessons, gives courses at ArtEZ Conservatory in Arnhem and is teaching at MuKl – Musikschule Kleve-Kellen.